LANAP Protocol: Heal Your Gum Disease With Modern Laser Technology

If you suffer from moderate-to-severe gum disease, also know as Periodontitis, the LANAP protocol may be just what you need to not only reverse your gum disease, but to also help you regenerate both soft tissue and bone growth. Let’s discuss what the LANAP protocol is (and who may be a candidate for it).

What is the LANAP protocol?

Believe it or not, gum disease is one of the most common ailments facing America today — and yet, only 60% of people with gum disease actually know that they have it. Even more alarming?

Only 3% of those with moderate-to-severe gum disease receive treatment (largely due to anxiety). Untreated gum disease can lead to a myriad of issues, such as: receding gums, bone loss, and even tooth loss.

If you suffer from moderate-to-severe gum disease, that’s the bad news. Ready for the good news? The LANAP protocol is a powerful and state-of-the-art alternative to the scalpel-based surgery option. As it’s a laser treatment, the LANAP protocol is minimally invasive — which significantly lessens anxiety for those who want to avoid traditional surgery.

The icing on the cake? The LANAP protocol is actually the only clinically-proven treatment for Periodontitis that regenerates bone and soft tissue growth. The LANAP protocol uses the dental laser PerioLase® MVP-7™ and is the only procedure that’s received clearance from the FDA for re-growing the three components vital to full oral functioning: the cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone.

The procedure, performed by a certified specialist, is simple and fast: only local anesthetics are required. The laser, which is roughly the same size as a few strands of human hair, works to remove any infection without harming your gums. Most patients complete the LANAP protocol in just two sessions.

When compared to conventional, scalpel-based surgery for gum disease, patients who receive the LANAP protocol instead experience reduced bleeding, lower sensitivity, less gum loss, reduced swelling, a faster and more comfortable recovery after treatments, and reduced chance of post-op infections.

Who is a candidate for the LANAP protocol?

Want to transform your oral health? You may be an excellent candidate for the LANAP Protocol. If you suffer from Periodontitis that’s moderate-to-severe, the LANAP protocol can help you reverse the course of your gum disease…in just a couple of treatments! For patients who’d like to avoid scalpel-based treatment, the LANAP protocol is also an excellent alternative.

If you are interested in discovering more about how the LANAP protocol can help you take charge of your oral health and stop gum disease in its tracks, our LANAP-certified team is here to help. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at (262) 327-6100