Root Cause vs. Root Cure

Root cause vs. root cure: How to respond to our patients’ concerns

Endodontists are the superheroes of saving the natural tooth. Over the past decade. I’ve seen our profession advance tremendously in the areas of comfort and predictability, thanks to microsurgical techniques, 3-D CBCT technology and by embracing digital anesthesia and sedation techniques. The success rate and literature basis for endodontic therapy has never been stronger. While writing and editing a chapter of the 9th edition of the Pathwaus of the Pulo. I was reminded of how significant the evidence base is tor our tied. Endodontic therapy, coupled with a well-maintained restoration, has a long-term success rate of over 95 percent and studies show that maintaining your natural teeth improves quality and longevity of life. Currently, about 25 million new endodontic treatments are performed annually, safely and electively.